Conference Sign Up

Conferences (15 minutes)  for Elementary (Prek-5th grade) students will be held on February 20th and 24th from 3:30-7:30pm. 

Conferences are for the teacher, parent and child. Please reach out to your student's teacher if you request a virtual (zoom) conference after you have signed up for your conference. The teacher will then send you the link.

This is only for preK - grade 5 students.

Click on the link below to begin conference sign up.  If you have multiple students you can submit all in one step.

NOTE: If you have more than one student, please select each teacher for each of your students in this step. Then click on SUBMIT.  You will be asked if this is for more than one student. In the next screen, you will enter students first and last name.   In the next screen, you will register with parent name and parent email - this email will be used for further instructions on how to actually pick your conference time.  Once completed, you will need to check that email address for next instructions.



Please contact Andrea Mandelkow if you have any questions. 507-263-6800 ext. 1201, [email protected]